About Cnudde
Cnudde Packaging stands for 7 decades of packaging expertise and experience. The way to pack smart is our slogan and perfectly translates how we have been acting and thinking for 70 years. Cnudde is fully committed to smart egg packaging with a focus on quality, sustainability and customer-specific demands. It resulted in solid partnerships across borders with manufacturers, retailers and packers. Take a flight with us through the company’s history.

Maison René Holvoet, an egg trader in Olsene, signed an agreement with the Danish Hartmann brothers to become their exclusive sales representative in Belgium. The trays for 30 eggs were dispatched to Olsene by rail in wagons.

1962 - 1974
Mr Holvoet hired Eric Cnudde as an employee. His job was to sell eggs and egg packaging. Truck transport became the new normal. Mr Holvoet died in 1974, forcing the closure of the egg business.

1974 - 1987
Hartmann decided to establish its own branch in Belgium, designating Eric Cnudde as manager, who laid the foundation for the future. The operation was moved to Sint-Eloois-Vijve, where the company rented an 800-sqm warehouse. As a wholesaler specialising in egg cartons, Hartmann covered the Belgian, Luxembourg and Northern French markets. The company also had its own fleet for transporting its products.

1987 - 1992
Branching out:
Hartmann closes its subsidiary. Eric and Kurt Cnudde took over the operations, establishing a new wholesale business called Cnudde Verpakking bvba. The business continued to operate out of the same premises. All Hartmann products were distributed in addition to egg cartons made from corrugated cardboard.

1992 - 1996
In 1992, Cnudde Verpakking moved to new premises in Kruishoutem. A 3,000-sqm new-build with own warehouses and offices was inaugurated, enabling the wholesaler to better organise its operations. Eric left the business in 1996.

1996 - 2007
Kürt brought a new wind of change. Cnudde Packaging is Brødrene Hartmann’s full-fledged, exclusive agent for Belgium and Luxembourg. Northern France also continued to be represented. In 2005, Coturnix® was founded. Cnudde developed and produced its own packaging for quail eggs from 100% recycled paper. The wholesale business continued to grow steadily. As a result of the increased demand, Cnudde joined forces with Cemosa, including for fruit packaging. In 2007, the warehouses were expanded, covering a surface area of 6,000 sqm.

2007 - 2015
Plenty of changes were made at Cnudde Packaging. The company’s services were expanded to cover all of France. New employees were hired. In 2010, the company joined forces with De Jong Verpakking for corrugated cardboard solutions. From 2011, the company started to sell a selection of products from Celluloses de la Loire. Cnudde took a sustainable approach, protecting the environment and the surrounding area, receiving the Environmental Charter in 2013 and 2014.

2015 - 2020
Cnudde stepped up its efforts, which earned it the sustainable entrepreneurship charter in 2015. But this proved insufficient, and the bar was raised again. In 2015, Cnudde achieved ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification, for quality and the environment respectively. The first overseas exports were launched in 2016. From 2018, the sales area was expanded to include the Netherlands. As such, Cnudde now serves the BeNeLux, France and all other export zones from its premises in Kruisem. Cnudde launches René®. The first moulded fibre, star-shaped eggpack.